how long does cbd stay in your system

How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System? [Discover 4 Surprising Factors]

Hemp-derived CBD products are more popular than ever. Many enthusiasts take them daily as part of their health and wellness routine. If you’re a CBD connoisseur — or thinking about trying it — you might be wondering: how long does CBD stay in your system?

Whether you’re using CBD to relax, manage discomfort, or sleep better, knowing how long it sticks around can help you make better decisions, especially if you have a drug test coming up. Different factors, like the type of CBD products you consume and how your body processes them, can affect how this. Let’s explore now. 

How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?

CBD’s presence in your system can vary depending on how your body works and how you’re consuming CBD. We’ll explore these factors in detail later on in this article. For now, here’s a quick breakdown of how long CBD sticks around in various types of CBD drug tests.

CBD in Blood Tests

Blood tests aren’t the most common way to detect CBD, but they can be used in specific cases. After you take CBD, it usually only stays in your bloodstream for a few hours, maybe up to 24 to 48 hours for regular consumers. So, if you have a blood test shortly after taking CBD, there’s a chance it’ll show up in your blood sample, but it doesn’t hang around too long.

CBD in Urine Tests

Urine testing is the most common form of drug testing. Just how long does CBD stay in your system urine? It can be for up to a week in some cases. If you’re taking CBD frequently or taking higher doses, it could stick around even longer. This can be up to a month for some people.

The type of CBD product you’re consuming, whether it’s full-spectrum (contains THC) CBD or broad-spectrum CBD (contains no THC), can make a difference in how long it stays detectable in your system or if it shows up on your urine test.

CBD in Saliva Tests

For saliva tests, CBD doesn’t hang around too long. It is usually detectable only 24 hours after you take it. Saliva tests aren’t used often, but if you’re ever asked for one, keep this short window in mind.

CBD in Hair Follicle Tests

Hair follicle tests can detect substances for months after they are consumed. In theory, CBD could stay in your hair for up to 90 days, leading to a positive drug test, but this kind of test isn’t commonly used for CBD. Hair tests can detect CBD longer because it gets trapped in the hair as it grows, providing a potential timeline of use.

a urine sample on top of papers

What Is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-euphoric, wellness-promoting compound found in cannabis plants. It’s present in small amounts in marijuana but is abundant in hemp plants (Cannabis sativa). Unlike THC (Delta 9 THC, Delta 9, D9 THC, or D9), it won’t elevate you but offers plenty of potential health and wellness benefits.

CBD provides these benefits by interacting with your body’s endocannabinoid system, or ECS. This internal system of cell-signaling receptors helps to regulate several factors important to your everyday health, including memory, mood, appetite, mobility, sex drive, and sleep.

You might have heard about CBD oil or gummies, which people take for everything from relieving anxious thoughts to supporting sleep. CBD is becoming super popular because, unlike other cannabinoids, it is not euphoric, meaning you can enjoy the benefits without feeling altered. Whether you prefer full-spectrum CBD (contains THC), broad-spectrum CBD (contains no THC), or a CBD isolate (contains only CBD), it’s a go-to for people looking for natural relief.

Factors to Consider About How Long CBD Stays in Your System

Several factors affect how long CBD remains in your system. Here’s a deeper exploration of what affects CBD’s ability to linger in your system.

Amount of CBD Use

The more CBD you consume, the longer it stays in your system. This is because your body needs more time to process and break down higher doses of CBD. For example, if you take small doses daily, CBD may leave your system more quickly than larger amounts, which can stick around for longer.

The dosage matters whether you’re using CBD gummies or CBD oil. Even if you’re consuming broad-spectrum CBD or pure CBD isolate (which doesn’t contain THC), the same rule applies: higher doses mean a longer detection window.

Frequency of CBD Use

Another key factor is how often you use CBD. If you’re an occasional consumer, CBD will likely leave your system relatively quickly, usually within a few days. However, taking CBD regularly — especially daily — can accumulate in your body’s fat cells over time.

Frequent consumers may find that CBD remains in their system for weeks, especially in higher doses or more concentrated forms like full-spectrum CBD oil. Frequent use leads to a build-up in the body, which takes longer to metabolize fully.

Individual Body Type

Your body type plays a big role in how long CBD sticks around. Since CBD is fat-soluble, it binds to fat cells in your body. If you have a higher body fat percentage, you may store CBD longer compared to someone with less body fat. This means that if you’re leaner, CBD may pass through your system more quickly.

Additionally, people with faster metabolisms tend to process and eliminate CBD faster than those with slower metabolisms. Age can also be a factor, as older individuals may take longer to metabolize substances, including CBD.

Diet/Food Intake

What you eat can have a surprising effect on how long CBD stays in you. If you take CBD on an empty stomach, your body will absorb it faster, but it will also break it down more quickly.

On the other hand, consuming CBD with food — especially fatty foods — can slow down the absorption process, causing CBD to linger in your system for longer. This is because fats help CBD absorb more efficiently, allowing it to stay active in your body for an extended period.

scientist using microscope examining slides

Methods of Consuming CBD

The way you consume CBD plays a big role in how quickly it’s absorbed, how long its effects last, and how long it stays in your system. Each method has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, depending on what you’re looking to get out of your CBD experience. Let’s take a closer look at the different methods available.

CBD Flower

If you’re looking for the fastest way to feel the effects of CBD, smoking or vaping CBD flower is the way to go. When you inhale CBD, it enters your lungs and hits your bloodstream almost immediately, usually within minutes. This makes it the go-to option for people who need fast relief from anxious thoughts, everyday stressors, or physical discomfort.

However, the trade-off is that it also leaves your system quickly, typically within 24 hours. But don’t be fooled; just because it leaves fast doesn’t mean it’s always the best option. Plus, the quick exit means it may not be the best method if you’re seeking sustained effects. For those with respiratory concerns, this method could be a hard pass.

CBD Tinctures

Tinctures are a popular choice because they strike a nice balance between quick effects and longer-lasting relief. Taken sublingually (under the tongue), CBD tinctures bypass your digestive system and go directly into your bloodstream. This method takes a bit longer than smoking — around 15 to 30 minutes— but the effects tend to last much longer, usually up to 6 hours.

This makes tinctures a reliable option for anyone looking for sustained relief without worrying about frequent dosing. They’re discreet, easy to use, and come in various potencies, making them a versatile choice. That said, some people aren’t fans of the taste, which can be earthy or bitter, depending on the brand and formulation.

To make your experience more palatable, try mixing your dose into your favorite beverage or food. This way, you can make just about anything into a CBD edible.

CBD Gummies

CBD gummies are a favorite for many people because they’re convenient, tasty, and predosed. Who doesn’t love a gummy that delivers wellness benefits? However, edibles like gummies take much longer to kick in — usually around 30 minutes to 2 hours — since they have to pass through your digestive tract first.

On the plus side, the effects last longer, sometimes up to 8 hours or more. This slow absorption process means CBD stays in your system for a longer time compared to smoking or tinctures. However, the downside is that if you need immediate relief, gummies aren’t your best bet.

Also, let’s be real: because they’re so easy to consume, it’s tempting to take more than you need, which could lead to higher CBD levels in your system than you intended. For those with dietary restrictions, keep in mind that many gummies contain sugar and other additives, which may not fit into a health-conscious lifestyle.

If you’re ready to explore more methods of consuming CBD, BudPop is here for you.

passed drug test paperwork with pen

How Long CBD Stays in the System – FAQs

Does CBD Detox Your Body?

While CBD doesn’t actively detox your body, it may support overall wellness by interacting with your endocannabinoid system. However, CBD isn’t a detoxifier in the traditional sense, unlike certain teas or supplements that flush out toxins. It won’t cleanse your system of harmful substances, but it may help you manage stress or discomfort during a detox process.

What Happens if You Have Too Much CBD in Your System?

Taking too much CBD is unlikely to cause serious harm, as it’s generally considered safe, even at high doses. That said, over-consuming CBD may lead to some mild side effects, such as drowsiness, dry mouth, or diarrhea. In some cases, people report feeling more relaxed than they’d like or a bit “off,” but these side effects typically subside after a few hours as CBD wears off. The good news is, unlike THC, CBD doesn’t produce any euphoric effects, so you won’t feel elevated, even at higher doses.

How Can I Clean My System of CBD?

If you’re looking to flush CBD out of your system quickly — perhaps for a drug test — there isn’t a magic pill that’ll make it disappear overnight. The best approach is to stay hydrated, maintain a healthy diet, and give your body time to naturally metabolize and eliminate the CBD. Regular exercise might help, too, as it can boost your metabolism.

However, it’s important to note that most drug tests don’t actually screen for CBD itself but for THC and its metabolites. If you’re using full-spectrum CBD products that contain trace amounts of THC, you might be more concerned about that showing up on a test.

Who Should Avoid Taking CBD?

While CBD is generally safe for most people, certain groups should exercise caution. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are typically advised to avoid CBD, as there isn’t enough research to confirm its safety during pregnancy. Additionally, if you’re taking prescription medications, especially those that interact with your liver’s enzyme system, you should consult with a healthcare professional before starting CBD. People with certain health conditions, like liver issues or those on blood thinners, should also seek medical advice before adding CBD to their routine.budpop full spectrum cbd gummies blog shop now cta

Final Thoughts – How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System

So, how long does CBD stay in your system? The answer depends on how much you take, how often, your body type, and your diet. CBD oil, edibles, and even full-spectrum CBD products all interact with your system differently. While most drug tests don’t screen for CBD, some tests could pick up trace amounts of THC if it’s present in your product.

If you’re concerned about drug testing and producing a positive test result, stick with CBD isolate or broad-spectrum products that are THC-free. Ultimately, understanding how CBD works with your body helps you make informed decisions about your health and wellness journey. Curious about the wellness benefits of CBD? Up your wellness game today with Budpop’s premium, legal, hemp-derived CBD products! Shop our selection today and take your health and wellness to the next level!

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